The Triangle Garden at 42nd and Humboldt Aves has an impressive souvenir from the 42nd Avenue North reconstruction project. A street crew from Michel’s Pipeline unearthed a boulder too big to toss in a dump truck to be hauled away. It might damage the truck bed as it fell in. It was found under the intersection at 42nd and Aldrich. They tarped the big behemoth near 42nd and Bryant. Warning lights blinked around it. They would deal with it later.
Ahhh, but forces greater than mere excess tonnage were at work. Neighbors who volunteer at the Triangle Garden on 42nd were considering a fresh look for the space, possibly with hardscape; a big rock perhaps.
Big rock sightings bounced around Northside social media. I (Monica Colberg) notified Meseret Wolana, Construction Engineer for the City of Minneapolis, that we gardeners were looking for something of suitable size.
Neighbor Brandon Burbach heard about a big rock that another neighbor, John Richards, had seen on Bryant Ave. Scott George and I hiked east on 42nd to find it.
There it was! A rock of perfect size with no jagged edges. Michel’s Pipeline Foreman Johnny Barthel noticed our interest.
“Do you want that rock?” he asked. Nice! Johnny volunteered to deliver the boulder if OK’d by the City of Minneapolis. We notified Meseret who suggested we contact Alebel Mehari, a helpful onsite city inspector on the 42nd Ave reconstruction project.
On delivery day, August 9, the massive 4,000 pound rock traveled six blocks up the avenue in a John Deere backhoe scoop.
Triangle Garden will be scraped out and fresh black dirt dropped in. Heavy equipment will push the massive rock around the garden as this occurs. The boulder’s final resting spot will soon become apparent. Neighbors interested in helping with garden restoration and upkeep after the 42nd Ave reconstruction is completed should keep an eye out in the coming months and years. The Triangle Garden is maintained completely by volunteers and can always use extra hands.
Keep your eye on that rock! What was once buried under the avenue now sits as a garden centerpiece.
Webber-Camden neighbors thank all employees at Michel’s Pipeline and City of Minneapolis for collaborating on an unusual community request. Triangle Garden now has a big rock.
Written by Monica Colberg