It’s not often your local bobby stops by on his fat bike to extend a personal invitation to join him and some of his fellow officers for free hot dogs at Folwell Park. We didn’t need to be asked twice!
And why was the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) putting on this event on July 25? Community building, pure and simple. A chance to connect with the good folks of Folwell and other Northside neighbors. To answer questions. Even the really tough ones. To talk about the ways in which the MPD works within our neighborhoods.
One of the evening highlights was meeting a bunch of “chaplain cops.” Possibly not an official term! This was a chance to get some fascinating insight into the critical supporting role these committed individuals perform as they work alongside officers in what are frequently stressful and indeed heartbreaking situations. A job they do in addition to their other commitments within the Twin Cities’ community.
We met up again with our bike cops, who were still perspiring having spent all afternoon cycling around Folwell inviting people to come down to the park. With some obvious success! We learnt about the great work they do through the Bike Cops for Kids program connecting cops and kids through promoting cycling and bike safety. Their main goal – “to make a special memory stick into the hard drive of a child as they grow up in challenging situations.” The enthusiasm for this program was palpable.
And, of course, no MPD event would be complete without the horses. The gorgeous Goliath was on duty, happy to be petted and even willing to open up his mouth for one young lad who wasn’t sure horses had teeth. They do! Big ones. So always feed horses with a flat hand! We learned that in addition to mounted patrol, these horses help out with closing time on Friday and Saturday nights! Who knew?
As we left for home, we were asked where we lived … because next time the horses are out and about in Folwell, maybe they will stop by to say hello. I can hardly wait!