Fourth Ward Report

Fourth Ward Report

Council Member Barbara A. Johnson

Phone: 612-673-2204 

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Open Streets West Broadway
Back again for 2017, Minneapolis residents will have the opportunity to explore and enjoy their neighborhood streets without the presence of motorized traffic at Open Streets West Broadway on Saturday, September 9 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open Streets events bring together local businesses, families and neighbors to bike, walk, socialize, play and shop in their communities in a car-free environment. There will be fun family-friendly programming put on by local businesses and event partners! From group yoga and exercise in the streets to live music and kids play zones; there’s something for everyone at Open Streets! For more information and to volunteer, check out the Open Streets W. Broadway webpage at

5th Annual Battle of the Badges BBQ

The Minneapolis Police Department’s Police Activities League invites families to the 5th Annual “Battle of the Badges” BBQ at North Commons Park, 1801 James Ave N on Saturday, September 9 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition to the cooks from the Minneapolis Police and Fire departments, Firebox Deli from 47th and Lyndale will be in on the competition! Join us for free food (while it lasts), activities and live music.

42nd Ave designated as Pedestrian Street Lighting Corridor

On Friday, August 4, the City Council voted to approve 42nd Ave as a Pedestrian Street Lighting Corridor. Council President Barb Johnson worked with the Department of Public Works to amend the street lighting policy that defined priority corridors to include 42nd Ave. What this means is the 42nd Ave reconstruction project will now include pedestrian scale lighting and the costs associated with the lighting will not be assessed to property owners, but rather will be absorbed into the project costs through contingency funding that was set aside for the project. Webber Camden Neighborhood Organization and Victory Neighborhood Association also sent letters in support of amending the policy which helped convey the community’s desire to have pedestrian level lighting. This is a big win for neighbors and an investment in the community that will be enjoyed for generations to come. For more information on the project, visit the city’s website at and search for “42nd Ave reconstruction.”

Remember to water your trees

Trees (especially young trees) need watering any time it doesn’t rain an inch in a week. Yard and boulevard trees need an inch of water every week all through the summer-fall season. Lack of water can make trees vulnerable to insects and disease and cause permanent damage. An effective way to water a tree is to turn on a slow stream of water (just so the hose is weeping) for a few hours. Watering in the evening after dinner time is most effective since it minimizes evaporation, and trees tend to take most of their water during the night. Watering one tree weekly costs only about $3 for 23 weeks. A good way to remember is to water trees on the same day as your trash pickup. Taking care of our trees means protecting our Minneapolis quality of life. Healthy trees are beautiful, increase property values, help improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gases by absorbing carbon dioxide, save energy, keep the city cooler, provide homes for wildlife and help manage stormwater.

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