A talented and motivated international student

The Hauck family from the Shingle Creek neighborhood has hosted international students before; but their guest this year, a Moroccan who attended Park Center High School, stated her goal was to be the first female prime minister of her country.

“And she just might be able to do it,” said host mom Amanda Hauck, who said she has never met anyone so diversely talented and motivated to serve the world as Imane from Morocco.

Imane, who is Muslim, jumped right into her American family and community with Hauck children Cameron and Savana – the three of them got speaking parts in the 60-member cast of a local theater’s musical production. Imane joined DECA (and she was voted in as vice president), the debate team and the mock trial team at Park Center – competing in all and eventually winning awards in each. She accomplished this while remaining on the academic honor roll throughout the entire year. In the spring Imane applied and was accepted to the United World Colleges at one of its campuses in Italy, and awarded the highest scholarship amount offered.

On a more personal note, soon after Imane’s arrival last August, the Hauck family learned that dad Joe Hauck was facing open heart surgery and a possible lengthy recovery. Amanda asked Imane if she wanted to transfer to another host family to avoid potential stress. Her reply: “No I want to stay with you! You’re my family now.” The surgery went well for Joe. Amanda continued to be impressed with Imane’s ability to weather whatever family and school life offered her. The Haucks consider her their Moroccan daughter and a permanent member of the family.

Written by Patsy Barich