Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association
PO Box 15656, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Website: shinglecreekmpls.org
Email: mpls.scna@gmail.com; Amy Luesebrink, staff, 612-597-9464
SCNA Neighborhood Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 11 at SCNA Office
2233 49th Ave N, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
*All meetings are open to the public *All residents are encouraged to attend.
Any requests for special accommodations are welcome.
Contact SCNA staff seven days prior to meeting.
Please note: SCNA’s Tour de Camden has been cancelled for 2017
SCNA hosting Town Hall Update with Representative Fue Lee
Wednesday, July 26, 6-7:30 p.m. at Creekview Park
The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association is excited to host a Town Hall Update for residents to hear from Representative Fue Lee to learn about what happened this year at the capitol and hear from you about what questions or other concerns need to still be addressed. This is a free way to listen and learn about what’s being worked on to make our community a great one! We will have light refreshments available.
Creekview Park Ice Cream Social, Thursday, July 13
Bring the whole family to Creekview for our fabulous Ice Cream Social! There will be lots of activities including music, games, prizes, food, sundaes, moon walk, dunk tank and face painting. There is a small fee for games and food. Rain or shine. 6-8:30 p.m. Small fee for activities
Are you looking for change in the community?
Consider becoming a Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association Board Member! The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association is a 501c3 nonprofit organization made up of volunteer Shingle Creek residents. We contract with the City of Minneapolis to help accomplish various activities, events, provide input on planning and zoning, keep residents informed and educated on various topics that effect our neighborhood, help support local schools and parks, and various other work. Any Shingle Creek resident can participate on the SCNA Board. It is a volunteer position, with a two-year term. Check out the SCNA Bylaws for more details on our website or contact us!