People have been asking about our name these days. Why is the community garden at 35th and Humboldt called the Story Garden? So I tell them this:
First, this plot once had a home for a long-time Northside family — that home was wiped out by the tornado in 2011. Three years later it was turned into a community garden. Our story is born in pain, but turned into something beautiful that is a gift to our neighborhood. Second, we recognize that there is typically one story that comes out of the Northside; a story of neglect, abandonment and violence. We want to be a part of writing our own story. Being in charge of the story that is told that includes healing, restoration and hope. Third, we want to be abundantly clear that all stories are welcome at this garden. Every person has a story and it is our intent to respect each other’s story and experience that they bring. We bear a story of hope, of healing, and growing seeds of change.
Join us every week for Work Night Wednesday from 4-7 p.m. at the Story Garden to make sure chores are done to keep the garden thriving.
Friday, June 2 will be our first Movie Night this year. It will be family friendly; bring a blanket or chair.
Want to know more or get involved? Contact the garden manager Dani at danielle.tietjen@gmail.com.