Crews reached a major milestone on the second week of May for the new St. Anthony Parkway Bridge by moving a new truss span into place over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) rail yard in Northeast Minneapolis.
It took about 10 hours in two days to move the 305 foot long, 1.6 million pound truss into position. The St. Anthony Parkway Bridge is a three-span bridge over the BNSF Northtown rail yard that will accommodate the St. Anthony Parkway, bicyclists and pedestrians once complete. The bridge is expected to open early this fall.
Future work on the bridge includes lowering the truss into final position, installing steel girders for the remaining new spans and a deck placement.
The new bridge replaces a five-span bridge built in 1925. It is part of the Grand Rounds National Scenic Byway. The cost of the project is $31.6 million and includes City, Federal and State funding and a contribution from BNSF Railway.
For project info and a live webcam go to stapbridge.com. For time-lapse video and additional photos of the new truss span go to news.minneapolismn.gov.