In recognition of National Police Week (May 14-20), each of the City’s police precincts opened its doors and invited neighbors to drop by to meet officers, crime prevention specialists and the precinct commander.
The 4th Precinct/Special Operations Center, at 4119 Dupont, held an impressive open house on May 18, inviting folks to tour the station, take a look at the inner workings of a squad car, explore a fire truck and other emergency equipment, and watch demonstrations of law enforcement techniques by the Bomb Unit and SWAT Unit. Snacks and drinks were also provided. An opportunity to have fun, meet your local law enforcement officers, learn stuff — and get a free lunch!
A handful of four-legged peace keepers from the K9 Unit and Horse Patrol were also on hand to meet and greet visitors. A particular hit with the younger visitors — and (this writer must confess) some older ones!
Officers and assorted crime fighting specialists enthusiastically answered any and all questions and were happy to pose for photos. One forensic firearms’ expert reminded us that the crime rate in Minneapolis is significantly lower than in many other large metropolitan areas — providing some much-needed perspective for our times.
Written by Carolyn Bastick
Photo by Debbie Tallen.