The City held an open house on April 12 at the Webber Community Center to provide community members an opportunity to meet the four development teams and view their project concepts for the 4146 Fremont Ave N project. Thank you to the development teams and all those that attended the open house. We had a great turnout! If you were unable to attend the open house a summary of each proposal can be found by following the links below or going to the City’s website . If you have questions about the project and the proposals or would like to provide input to staff, please contact Casey Dzieweczynski at Casey.dzieweczynski@minneapolismn.gov/612-673-5070 by May 1, 2017.
City staff will consider input received at the open house and by May 1, however, the final staff decision will also be based on the strength of each proposal and the evaluation criteria listed in the November 2016 RFP. Shortly after May 1, City staff expect to recommend that exclusive development rights be granted to one of the development teams. The staff recommendation will likely be considered at the June 6 Community Development & Regulatory Services Committee of the City Council. Project Background In November 2016, the City of Minneapolis, through its department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED), issued a request for redevelopment proposals (RFP) for two adjacent buildings located at 4140 – 4146 Fremont Ave N in the Webber-Camden neighborhood. The City received seven proposals prior to the February 10, 2017 submission deadline. Please see the City’s website for a summary of the proposals received. One proposal team withdrew its submission, and City staff removed two proposals from further consideration based on the evaluation criteria listed in the RFP. Questions? Contact Casey Dzieweczynski at Casey.dzieweczynski@minneapolismn.gov/612-673-5070. |