Spring is always an exciting time for gardeners. Getting your hands dirty, making design plans, planting seeds, and extended hours outside after a winter inside. Communal gardens are no different if you don’t count all of all the organizing of volunteers, grant writing, event planning and meetings to attend. So many meetings! It can often get a little overwhelming.
The truth of our story is we have lots of plans. For the food that will grow here, for hosting events, for working with North High and U of M students in their effort for economic and environmental growth, healing and justice. With all that being said, it is too much for a small handful of folks to do alone. So with the current amount of folks and time available, the garden will be turning its attention and focus to the few blocks that surround this space. The immediate neighbors will be our priority as we work to provide food and a space where folks can meet and get to know one another.
The Story Garden, at 35th and Humboldt, is making big plans for its return this spring and summer. A communal garden space where art, food and events take center stage, this garden survives on the passion and commitment of the locals that surround it. It is neighbor-led and neighbor fed. The garden will be kicking off with a planting Potluck on Saturday, May 13 starting at 3 p.m. Everyone bring a dish to share and the energy to plant and get dirty! We have an herb circle to build, plants to put in the ground, and general garden clean up.
This summer, the Story Garden will host a variety of events every month on top of the dozens of vegetables, fruit, herbs, and berries being grown there.
Stay tuned for events at the garden: Youth Farm fire pit build; Nomi Roots compost build;
Boys to Men club lemonade stand build; Native American Storyteller night; African Storyteller night; Neighbors Share Stories night; BBQ’s; bonfires; herb circle build; Spoken Word; concerts; and movie night
If you would like be more involved, or join our garden team, or even just to know when events are happening contact Dani at danielle.tietjen@gmail.com. Most events and activities will be shared through text and email to all those who have asked to participate. Also follow us on Facebook to learn how you can help, or get great gardening tips and recipes.