More City-owned lots have become available for community and market gardeners to lease for the 2017 gardening season. About 40 parcels are available, many on the Northside. Interested community gardeners and market gardeners can visit the Minneapolis Garden Lease Program webpage to view the updated map of available parcels, find information about the application process and complete the garden request form.
Access to these lots will help improve food equity and access to healthy food, and grow the local food economy. Interested groups should submit a garden request form for each parcel they intend to request.
The Community Garden Program began in 2010 to help make Minneapolis more beautiful, provide healthy food and build community. About 60 City lots are already leased to community groups. The City of Minneapolis supports community gardens in its commitment to promoting access to good nutrition, improving the ecological footprint of the city, encouraging active and healthy living and providing spaces for human interaction, food production and beauty in our daily lives. Minneapolis already has about 300 community gardens throughout the city.
For info go to minneapolismn.gov/homegrown.