In our Camden News January Holiday on 44th Thank You to our supporters and volunteers we were negligent in recognizing the many contributions of the Housing Resource Center/Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation. In addition to making a monetary donation to the event, the Housing Resource Center has for years provided a very popular bird feeder building activity where youth are provided with the materials and tutelage to build a bird feeder that they can take home with them. This year Northside children built 135 bird feeders courtesy of the Housing Resource Center/Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation. In addition, the staff at the Housing Resource Center served over 400 cookies and handed out more than 650 hats and gloves to individuals and families. Staff and partner contributions of over $2000 made this activity possible.
Each year this activity grows (the first year 50 bird feeders were built) and each year Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation and the Housing Resource Center and partners increase their contributions to make the Build a Bird Feeder activity an integral part of Holiday on 44th. As we approach our 20th Holiday on 44th in 2017, we would like to recognize and thank Jenny Camacho and the staff at the HRC for making this activity an unforgettable part of Holiday on 44th.
Debbie Nelson,
On behalf of the Holiday on 44th Steering Committee