The City of Minneapolis, working through its Department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED), seeks to reactivate the two buildings at 4140 and 4146 Fremont. The City acquired the property out of tax forfeiture in 2015.
The City is holding an open house on Wednesday, April 12, from 6-8 p.m. at Webber Park Rec Center, 4400 Dupont. The open house is an opportunity for the public to view the redevelopment proposals under consideration and provide input to City staff as the evaluation process continues.
The City received seven proposals in response to the RFP issued in November 2016. After an initial review, City staff selected four finalists for further consideration based on the strength of the proposals and the evaluation criteria identified in the RFP. The four finalists are Ideal Development Group, JB Vang Partners, Real Cooks Kitchen and Urban Enterprises, Inc. Check out minneapolismn.gov/cped/fremont for a summary of the proposals.
Following the open house on April 12, City staff will finish its internal review and plans to make a recommendation to the City Council in late May or early June in order to move forward with one of the proposals.
If you are unable to attend the open house but want to learn more about the proposals being considered, and provide input to City staff, visit minneapolismn.gov/cped/fremont and contact Casey Dzieweczynski at 612-673-5070.