Fourth Ward Report

Fourth Ward Report

Council Member Barbara A. Johnson

Phone: 612-673-2204 

Web Page:

Contact Form:


2017 Paint-A-Thon applications available

Each year, on the first weekend in August, Metro Paint-A-Thon rallies volunteer teams from corporations, congregations, and civic groups to paint the homes of seniors and people with disabilities. The program helps homeowners remain living independently in their own homes and improves neighborhoods throughout the Twin Cities seven-county metropolitan area.

Paint-A-Thon welcomes referrals and accepts applications from all eligible homeowners.  To be considered, completed applications must be received by April 14, 2017. Selected homeowners are notified by mail in early July of each year. For more information or an application, call 612-276-1579 or visit

Apply for Fire Department Cadet Positions starting April 17

The Minneapolis Fire Department is accepting applications beginning April 17 to further diversify its workforce to better reflect our community. The Fire Department protects life, property and the environment in emergencies. It also provides emergency medical services and community outreach, responds to hazardous materials calls, and performs rescues in confined spaces, collapsed structures and water.

Candidates must have a high school diploma or GED and a valid driver’s license, and be 18 or older. Preferred candidates have knowledge of Minneapolis neighborhoods and geography; participated in a City of Minneapolis or MFD program (e.g., EMS Pathways Academy, Explorers, Urban Scholars, STEP-UP); obtained an EMT certification; earned advanced education above a high school diploma or GED; and demonstrate an ability to relate and work effectively with people from diverse cultures and economic and ethnic backgrounds. Apply for a cadet position April 17-28 at

Creating resilient yards in the face of changing weather patterns

Unseasonably warm weather, long droughts and flooding rains are the new normal for spring and summer in Minnesota. Learn how your yard can adapt to and even help mitigate threats posed by these extreme weather events. Participants will receive an overview of Minnesota’s changing weather patterns and ways to minimize their impact in your yard by using alternative turf, raingardens and other resilient-yard practices. Participants also receive one-on-one design assistance from Metro Blooms and Blue Thumb landscape designers and Hennepin County Master Gardeners. Saturday, May 13 at North Regional Library. Space is limited, visit or call 651-699-2426.

Earth Day Clean-Up

This year’s annual Earth Day Clean-Up is Saturday, April 22 from 9:30 a.m.-noon. It’s easy to get involved; no pre-registration is required. Arrive at any clean-up site and check in at the registration table. A site coordinator will give you gloves and bags, and instruct you where to go and where to leave trash. The annual event involves cleaning Minneapolis parks, neighborhoods, watersheds and water bodies including: Shingle Creek, Minnehaha Creek, Bassett’s Creek and the Mississippi River. For more information and to view site locations, visit If you are interested in getting involved in Earth Day through site coordination, please contact Erica Chua, Community Outreach Event Coordinator at or 612-230-6479.
4th Ward E-Newsletter

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Enter your email address; under “subscription topics” select “Ward 4-Barbara Johnson” under City Council then submit.

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