Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is launching a project to create long-term plan for Northside neighborhood parks. Park users are encouraged to apply to serve on the North Service Area Master Plan Community Advisory Committee by February 17.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is seeking applications from the general public to serve on the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for the North Service Area Master Plan (NSAMP). This planning project will guide long-term capital improvements, management and operations within the North Minneapolis Service Area.
NSAMP is a unique opportunity to set the vision for Northside parks for the coming decades. The project will take a complete look at all outdoor park facilities, create improvement plans for each neighborhood park, and guide decisions on capital improvements—including NPP20 funding allocations.
The CAC will work with MPRB staff and consultants over the next 12-18 months to make recommendations to MPRB Commissioners. Project details and CAC applications are available at minneapolisparks.org/currentprojects (select North Service Area Master Plan from the topic list), or contact MPRB Project Manager, Adam Arvidson, at 612-230-6470 or aarvidson@minneapolisparks.org. You may also pick up applications in person at each of the six recreation centers in the North Service Area. MPRB will translate applications upon request.
Applications from the general public are due by February 17. CAC members will be appointed by elected officials and neighborhood organizations.
In addition to serving on the CAC, there will be many other ways to get involved in the project: Sign up to receive email updates by subscribing at minneapolisparks.org/subscribe. If you are already a subscriber, add “North Service Area Master Plan” to your subscription preferences. Email updates are the best way to stay informed about meeting dates. Attend CAC meetings; each meeting will offer a brief public comment period at the end of the meeting. And attend other public meetings. Though they have not yet been scheduled, MPRB expects numerous community meetings throughout the spring and summer of 2017. Sign up for email updates to stay informed.