
January Meeting

Wednesday, January 25, 7 p.m.

The Warren, 4400 Osseo Road North

Neighborhood meetings are a great way to meet your neighbors and to learn about issues that impact our community. ViNA meets the fourth Wednesday of most months. Check for a complete schedule.


Now recruiting Youth Corps participants

ViNA is now recruiting participants for Youth Corps. Youth Corps is a program that works to connect residents in need of assistance with neighborhood youth in need of work experience. This year, six youth helped six seniors with lawn mowing, leaf raking and snow removal. The program has three primary goals: i. to help senior residents or residents with disabilities maintain their yards; ii. to introduce neighborhood youth to the world of work; and iii. to build connections amongst residents who may otherwise be unknown to one another. The neighborhood association provides the services free to seniors and residents with disabilities, and youth receive a stipend in exchange for their service.

ViNA is currently unable to meet all of the service requests of residents and is actively seeking more youth participants. To participate, you must be a neighborhood resident between the ages of 12-17 and have the interest and ability to provide services to neighbors. Contact the ViNA office for more information or to sign up. Seniors or residents with a disability who are in need of assistance are also invited to contact the office to join a wait list for services.