Fourth Ward Report

Council Member Barbara A. Johnson

Phone: 612-673-2204 


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City of Minneapolis 2017 Budget adopted

On December 7, the City Council unanimously approved the 2017 City Budget. The $1.3 billion budget invests in public safety, including the addition of police officers and firefighters. It also provides funding to improve the City’s streets and parks, and to advance opportunities for our diverse residents throughout Minneapolis.

Added funding for the Police Department will ensure the hiring of 15 additional police officers: 12 for community policing, and three for a police/mental health co-responder pilot program. More than $1 million was approved for community-based strategies to improve public safety and more than $1 million annually was approved for a new, ongoing community service officer class to build more capacity for a proven, effective pathway into the Police Department for people of color. Our Fire Department also had $400,000 approved for five additional full-time sworn firefighters, which will allow our department to better serve residents and reduce overtime dollars.

Council President Johnson also made a motion which was approved to provide Summit Academy OIC in North Minneapolis with $100,000 to continue GED program efforts that runs concurrently with their construction and medical training programs. Other notable highlights include:

  • The creation of a team to help small businesses succeed, and to lead a customer-service focus at the City that helps anyone who wants to invest in Minneapolis.
  • A historic 20-year agreement between the City Council and the Park & Recreation Board, led by Council President Barbara Johnson to provide much needed resources for our neighborhood parks system and street repairs.
  • A total of $14.5 million in affordable housing development, including a Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing strategy, the Family Housing Initiative and additions to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

STEP-UP Youth Employment Program now accepting applications for 2017 summer internship placements
The City’s youth employment program STEP-UP is accepting applications for 2017 summer internships now through February 10, 2017. Eligible youth interested in participating must complete an online application, available on the City’s website at

Created in 2004, STEP-UP is one of the country’s premiere youth employment programs focused on serving Minneapolis students age 14-21 who face some of the greatest barriers to employment. Since the program was launched, it has provided more than 24,000 internship opportunities.

Prior to being placed in their internships, youth receive work-readiness training certified by the Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce that enhances their skills and prepares them for a professional work experience. Throughout their internship, youth gain valuable on-the-job skills, make strong professional connections, and become exposed to careers they may have not otherwise accessed without STEP-UP.

STEP-UP is a City of Minneapolis program in partnership with AchieveMpls, Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and Project for Pride in Living.
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