It takes more than principals, teachers and families to educate students. Neighbors, friends and community members influence and inspire youth just the same. The schools want everyone to see what an entire city of support can make possible, so they’re welcoming the public to take a guided tour of our elementary schools during Visit Our Schools Month.
This is the first year Minneapolis Public Schools is hosting Visit Our Schools Month. The event replaces the annual School Fair Showcase that was previously held on a Saturday during spring semester to help prospective families learn about their school options before registering for the following school year.
Visit Our Schools Month gives families the opportunity to learn as much as possible about our schools as well as the enrollment process. Families need to immerse themselves in a school’s culture and meet the people in the classrooms in order to know that a school is right for their child.
Tours of Loring, Lucy Laney and Jenny Lind will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 1, 4-6 p.m. and Monday, Nov. 7, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Info: studentplacement.mpls.k12.mn.us/visit_our_schools.