High school scholars in the Capri After School Theater program (CAST) present their unique insights and life experiences in The Phoenix Rises: Original Student Monologues, at 7 p.m. Thursday, December 15 at the Capri Theater, 2027 West Broadway. The performance is free and open to the public.
“Our students are working through a process of personal discovery. I’m encouraging them to seek and find the strength and courage that’s in their own stories,” said CAST Director Kevin West. “You’ll see the results of this process, and I’m certain that we’ll all learn something from these kids. They are remarkable.”
This fall’s CAST group consists of 10 students who have been working together since the beginning of the school year. Original dance and poetry will be woven into the presentation of monologues as well.
“I tell my students that I learn as much from them, every day, as they learn from me,” said West.
“This evening will give you a glimpse into this powerful and profound learning experience that
we share.”
The CAST program is free and open to all students currently enrolled in high school. Winter session will begin on January 3. To enroll, or for more info on CAST contact Kevin West at 612-643-2039 or kwest@pcyc-mpls.org. More info on the Capri thecapritheater.org.