MPRB Superintendent Jayne Miller has presented her recommended 2017 budget and there are opportunities to review and comment on it.
The Superintendent’s Recommended 2017 Budget for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) focuses on enhanced maintenance, rehabilitation and capital investments for neighborhood parks, continued sound fiscal management, providing responsive service delivery to meet the changing demographics and needs of the community, maintains the park system within available resources and, for the first time, implementing a racial equity tool throughout the budget process.
In 2017, of every dollar Minneapolis residents pay for property taxes, eight cents will go to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.
The Superintendent’s Recommended 2017 Budget totals $76.6 million for the general operating fund, $3.2 million for the special revenue fund, $10.7 million for the enterprise operating fund and $20.8 for capital project funding.
“The 20 Year Neighborhood Park Plan, or NPP 20, is the culmination of the Closing the Gap: Investing in our Neighborhood Park initiative, which began in 2014,” said Superintendent Jayne Miller. “NPP20 is significant and historic in two ways: it provides long-term funding for Minneapolis neighborhood parks as well as explicit terms for all other funding between the MPRB and City of Minneapolis, and it adopts the Criteria Based System Ordinance that directs the spending of capital and rehabilitation funds for neighborhood parks based on racial and economic equity.”
For full details about Proposed 2017 Budget public comment opportunities, 2017 budget initiatives, and NPP 20 read the full news release on our website.
Budget Presentation
The proposed budget and related documents are available for viewing at minneapolisparks.org/budget or by calling 612-230-6400 between 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.