The Office of Police Conduct Review (OPCR), which reviews every officer complaint made with the City of Minneapolis, now has an open data portal where anyone can find public data on police conduct cases.
The portal (minneapolismn.gov/civilrights/policereview/archive) features seven dashboards, including an interactive map of allegations of police misconduct, demographic info linked to allegations, case processing decisions made by the joint supervisors and disciplinary outcomes. The dashboards provide more info on demand than ever before on misconduct complaints in the city.
OPCR staff collaborated with data scientists in the City’s Information Technology Department to create an online data portal that’s interactive and easy to use. The data covers complaints filed from 2013 to the present and is updated every two weeks.
Along with the OPCR data dashboards, the Minneapolis Police Department and OPCR have worked together to release a system to search for officer complaint histories ( minneapolismn.gov/civilrights/policereview/cra_links-contacts). One can type an officer’s name into the three search fields and locate records from OPCR, MPD’s Internal Affairs Unit, and the former Civilian Review Authority. If discipline occurred, this information will be included along with the allegation leading to the discipline, providing as much officer information as is possible per the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Since these officer profile cards are the most frequently requested data from the OPCR, this fills an immediate public need.