Helping Shingle Creek residents go green

As of October, 40 percent of Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling customers have signed up for organics recycling, making the Minneapolis program one of the most successful opt-in programs in the county. This is an important milestone, as a study conducted before the program was rolled out estimated a 40 percent opt-in participation rate.

If you are interested in signing up and receiving your Curbside Organics Recycling bin, the Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association will have sign up forms and will have a few of these free bins at their December 13 meeting at Creekview Park at 6:30 p.m. Other neighborhoods in the Camden Community are also participating in the program. Check pages 8 and 9 and contact them for info.

Here is how organics recycling for composting works:  Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling customers sign up for a green organics collection cart. There isn’t any extra cost for a cart because it is already included in customers’ base fee for services. Residents collect organics in compostable bag and bring it out to their organics cart.  Items that are accepted in organics recycling include all food scraps, un-lined non-recyclable paper products, and other compostable products.  A full list can be found at  Collection crews empty organics carts once a week, on the same day as garbage, and organics are brought to a commercial composting facility in Rosemount  where they are turned into compost instead of being incinerated at the Hennepin County Energy Recovery Facility.

To sign up online for organics recycling, and for more info about organics, visit or call 612-673-2917.