The City of Minneapolis and Hennepin County are seeking redevelopment proposals for property located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Penn and Lowry Avenues in the Folwell neighborhood.
The site consists of vacant land owned by the City and County; all structures have been demolished. The site also borders the Cleveland neighborhood to the west and the Jordan neighborhood to the south. The site totals approximately 36,391 square feet and includes seven vacant parcels. The Penn-Lowry intersection and surrounding community includes a multitude of restaurants, retail and service oriented businesses, parks, schools and other neighborhood amenities.
The City and County’s development goals for the site were developed with input from the Folwell, Cleveland and Jordan neighborhoods. Goals include mixed-use or commercial development with innovative and sustainable design elements included in the building design. New development should incorporate pedestrian-oriented and transit-oriented design elements and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).
Questions regarding the RFP should be directed to casey.dzieweczynski@minneapolismn.gov or Kelly Hoffman-Orth at Kelly.Hoffman-Orth@hennepin.us.
All questions are due no later than Thursday, December 1. All questions and corresponding answers will be posted on the City’s RFP website by 4 p.m. on Thursday, December 8.
Proposals are due to City offices no later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday, January 31, 2017. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted. The RFP document and related materials are available on the City’s RFP website under the “Development” dropdown button.