Be @ the Capri for SPCO’s Start the Music: Percussion Party!

Spend a glee-full hour at the Capri when St. Paul Chamber Orchestra (SPCO) presents Start the Music: Percussion Party! for children and families at 10 a.m. Saturday, December 3. The event is free but tickets must be reserved in advance to guarantee admission. Reserve free tickets at or call 612-643-2058. Walk-ups are welcome based on space availability. The Capri is located at 2027 West Broadway.

Designed for families with children ages 3-6, Start the Music is a perfect way to introduce young listeners to classical music. Crafts, activities and a 30-minute concert engage small hands and big imaginations. During the concert, audience members will meet the members of SPCO’s percussion section, who will surely do a bang-up job of capturing childrens’ innate interest in music.

Please note: Crafts, activities and games begin at 10 a.m. The concert will begin at 10:30 a.m.

Parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends are encouraged to bring little ones to see and learn about music in this engaging, insightful way. It will be a magical morning at the Capri! Free tickets and more info at