Pillsbury United Communities (PUC) in partnership with the City of Minneapolis are hosting a gun buyback on Saturday August 27, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at Fire Station 14, 2002 Lowry Ave. N.
Residents are urged to surrender firearms in exchange for Visa gift cards. People turning in firearms can do so anonymously, and will receive $25 to $300 Visa gift cards, depending on the type of firearm.
Unlike typical gun buybacks, following the August 27 buyback, the weapons will be decommissioned and given to Twin Cities’ artists to create statements about the impact of gun violence in our community.
Building upon the momentum of the national Guns in the Hands of Artists exhibit that PUC recently presented, the reclaimed guns will be given to local artists to create statements about the impact of gun violence in our community. This art will be a part of a new campaign called “Art Is My Weapon: a Minnesota Installation of Guns in the Hands of Artists.” A call for artists will be posted soon at ArtIsMyWeapon.org.
PUC is accepting monetary donations from the public to help fund the buyback at puc-mn.org/art-my-weapon. Contributions will be used to purchase gift cards for individuals surrendering weapons.
The art eventually will be for sale; some of the pieces will be displayed throughout the community.