Hawthorne EcoVillage brings 75 units of affordable housing

On July 13 elected officials, community and business leaders, friends and neighbors got together at 617 Lowry N. to celebrate the official groundbreaking of the Hawthorne EcoVillage Apartments. Hawthorne EcoVillage Apartments, developed by Project for Pride in Living (PPL), will be a new construction featuring one apartment building and four townhouse units that create 75 high-quality affordable rental homes.

“Transit-oriented, workforce housing is a critical need on the Northside. We’re thrilled to get started on this unique project that will help stabilize the Hawthorne Neighborhood,” said Paul Williams, PPL President & CEO.

“This expansion of the Hawthorne EcoVillage is another great investment in North Minneapolis and will help reinvigorate the Lowry corridor,” said Council Member Blong Yang.  “These lots have sat vacant for many years and I welcome Project for Pride in Living’s commitment to North Minneapolis. We are getting 75 new units of affordable housing where we used to have rampant drug dealing, dozens of foreclosures and crumbling houses.”

Hawthorne EcoVillage will be the first major redevelopment along Lowry Avenue since the street was renovated in 2007-2008. The project will feature a number of green elements including a state-of-the-art system to treat and infiltrate rainwater. This system includes a holding tank to reuse water as well as a weeping wall, raingarden, and pervious pavers that filter rainwater above ground before it enters a below ground infiltration system. Other sustainable features include: a green roof on a portion of the main apartment building, highly efficient mechanical systems, and a ground floor bike storage room to encourage use of alternative transportation modes.

Other amenities include onsite property management, a playground for children, patio with grills, underground parking, and a fitness room.

Construction is expected to be completed in September 2017 with the first residents moving in later that same year.