Absentee voting for the August 9 primary began June 24. People can vote early (by absentee ballot) by mail or in person.
In-person absentee voting will no longer be at City Hall but is moving to the Community Services Building, 217 S. Third St., with entry on Third Street. The new location will have better security and allow a more ordered process for voters.
Register, learn and vote! Voting is easy with the help of the elections website voters’ section at vote.minneapolismn.gov/voters.
*Make sure you’re registered to vote. You can check your registration status and register or update your registration using online tools on the website. You can also download a voter registration application in 10 different languages to print, fill out and submit to get registered.
*Learn what’s on the ballot this year. You can download a practice ballot online to see what offices and candidates you will be voting on before heading to the polls.
*Go vote. Whether you choose to vote early by absentee ballot in person or by mail, or you decide to go to your polling place on Election Day, find the resources you need to cast your ballot. On the website you can find info about in-person absentee voting hours and locations, complete an application to receive an absentee ballot in the mail, or use the polling place finder to find your assigned polling place for Election Day.
Volunteer election judges are needed to serve voters in local polling places. Serving as an election judge provides an opportunity to learn about the election process and is an important service to our community. Judges who are fluent in a second language are especially needed to provide additional language support in the polling place, including Spanish, Somali, Hmong, Oromo, Lao, Vietnamese, Russian and American Sign Language. Election judges are paid $13.30 per hour for their service.
To find out more about this opportunity visit vote.minneapolismn.gov/judges or call 311.
The City’s election website (vote.minneapolismn.gov) will be updated throughout the election season.