On May 31, 26th Avenue North from Broadway Avenue to Irving Avenue was closed to traffic so crews can reconstruct the roadway. That section of the street will reopen after this season’s paving project is completed in November.
Access to churches, residences, and businesses on 26th Avenue from West Broadway to Humboldt will be maintained for a majority of the project. However, there will be periods where construction will require no access. All through traffic will be detoured onto Lowry Avenue.
This work is part of a comprehensive renovation of 26th Avenue from Theodore Wirth Parkway to the Mississippi River. Last year crews repaved eastern and western sections of the street. More reconstruction work will take place next year, with the project tentatively scheduled for completion by the end of 2017. More info is available on the City’s website.
This is one of many construction projects that will affect traffic this year. To help drivers know about all the current and upcoming work, the City has mapped the projects. Links are available at minneapolismn.gov/publicworks/traffic.