The City of Minneapolis is exploring the possibility of converting a low-traffic street in the Jordan and Folwell neighborhoods into a greenway to get residents closer to places for physical activity. So that residents and the City can get an idea of how a permanent greenway might work and so the City can assess interest, a temporary greenway (paint and materials on top of existing streets) is going in on the 3000-3500 blocks of Irving between Folwell and Jordan parks. Crews will install it starting June 1 and finish by June 10. Current plans call for it to be in place for up to a year.
The temporary greenway will include designated paths and boulevards for walking and bicycling, traffic calming elements, flower planters, benches and tables, and painted pavement art.
Parking and vehicle traffic on the temporary greenway route: Access for emergency and service vehicles will be maintained on all blocks. The 3000-3400 blocks of Irving will remain open to motor vehicle traffic but with reduced parking capacity. No parking will be allowed on the 3500 block of Irving except disability parking for vehicles with permits. All blocks will have continued access to their alleys, driveways and garages. The City will work with contractors to maintain the temporary greenway, including snow and ice control along the open traffic lanes, with special maintenance attention paid to alleys.
The City is pursuing safety strategies on alley lighting, resident engagement activities, alley snow clearance, and alley monitoring by the MPD.
Help assemble the street furniture Tuesday, June 7; paint the pavement Saturday, June 11; grand opening Saturday, June 25.
Residents can give feedback throughout the year, and the City will make real-time changes to the temporary greenway route. Contact: 311 or healthyliving@minneapolismn.gov. Complete an online survey at minneapolismn.gov/health/living/northminneapolisgreenway. Fill out a comment card from a kiosk at either end of the temporary greenway.