Minnesota Reading Corps and Minnesota Math Corps are seeking literacy and math tutors for the 2016-2017 school year.
Both full- and part-time tutor positions are available at 700 Minnesota Reading Corps and 200 Minnesota Math Corps schools. Full-time tutors commit to 11 months of service, during which they earn $544 every two weeks and an education award of up to $5,775. Full-time tutors may also receive health insurance. Part-time tutors earn $272 every two weeks and an education award of up to $2,887.
Minnesota Reading Corps and Minnesota Math Corps are statewide initiatives designed to help every Minnesota student become a successful reader by the end of third grade, and proficient in math by the end of eighth grade. By serving with Reading Corps or Math Corps, individuals join a network of more than 1,400 tutors working with more than 35,000 students throughout the state.
Both programs have been highly successful in closing the achievement gap. A study by NORC at the University of Chicago showed that Reading Corps students, including those with higher risk factors such as low-income or English Language Learner status, outperformed their peers. Pre-K children with Reading Corps surpassed their peers on all five early literacy measures, demonstrating their readiness for kindergarten.
Last year, 71 percent of Math Corps students maintained or improved their progress toward proficiency as measured by the state’s MCA exam. More than a quarter of students (28 percent) – and nearly one-third of fourth graders (31 percent) – demonstrated a high level of growth, changing their trajectory toward failure into a steep climb toward proficiency.
All tutors are fully trained by Minnesota Reading Corps and Minnesota Math Corps. Candidates come from a variety of backgrounds, ranging from recent high school graduates to retirees. Mid-career individuals considering a professional change are also excellent candidates. To learn more or to apply visit MinnesotaReadingCorps.org or MinnesotaMathCorps.org, or call 866-859-2825.