At its May 18, 2016 meeting, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MRPB) of Commissioners approved the 20 Year Neighborhood Park Plan ordinance, which ensures an additional $11 million in annual funding to the MPRB to revitalize Minneapolis’ renowned network of neighborhood parks.
The MPRB worked closely with the City of Minneapolis to pass concurrent ordinances ensuring the essential long-term investment in neighborhood parks. The City’s ordinance, which passed on April 29, also included provisions to increase funding to repair city streets.
Next, another MPRB ordinance will be introduced in June to ensure the new investments in neighborhood parks will be done equitably. On April 20 MPRB staff presented criteria and a proposed rehabilitation and capital investment implementation plan for the first five outlining this racial and economic equity plan. The April 20 presentation materials, which are available at MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from “links.govdelivery.comtrack” claiming to be www.minneapolisparks.org/closingthegap, included the following key documents:
• Criteria Based System for MPRB Capital and Rehabilitation Project Scheduling
• Criteria Matrix for MPRB Capital and Rehabilitation for Neighborhood Park Projects
• Proposed Expanded MPRB CIP for Neighborhood Parks
As with all of its current park projects, community engagement and input will be critical when making future park improvements.
In addition to the capital improvements, the 20 Year Neighborhood Park Plan includes annual funding for increased rehabilitation and maintenance of neighborhood parks throughout the city. System-wide rehabilitation will focus on ADA improvements, building repairs, roof and sidewalks, park lighting, HVAC systems, below-grade infrastructure and maintenance facilities, with repairs at multiple sites throughout the city every season. System-wide maintenance focuses on improving the service levels of mowing, tree pruning, roof inspections, seasonal plumbing start up and shut down, and maintenance of playgrounds, buildings, sidewalks, parking lots, gardens and natural areas.
The MPRB believes addressing the need for dedicated, increased neighborhood parks funding is critical to addressing racial equity across Minneapolis.