Message Line: 612-588-7641 info@lindbohanon.org lindbohanon.org LBNA Meetings: Open to the public. Residents are encouraged to attend. |
Thursday, June 2, LBNA Board Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Please see our monthly newsletter for any updates.
Thursday June 9, LBNA Crime and Safety Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m.Tuesday, June 21, LBNA Executive Committee Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
All meetings are at Webber Park community center; 4400 Webber Parkway, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Special Meeting of the LBNA Board
ArtSpace presents its feasibility study on the 4400 Lyndale Ave. N buildings
Monday June 6, 6:30-8 p.m.
Webber Park Community Center
LBNA Crime and Safety Committee, second Thursday of the month 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The LBNA Crime and Safety Committee is a place for people to meet our Community Crime
Prevention Specialist Tim Hammett and other neighborhood residents to talk about issues on your block, crime prevention trends and tips, and hear more about what the Minneapolis Police Department is doing for our area. Committee meetings are free and open to the public.
LBNA current Home Safety rebate program works with Tim to better secure your home. We will reimburse you 1/2 up to $200 of allowable security upgrade expenses.
2016 for Lind Bohanon:
The Lind Bohanon Neighborhood Association is a 501c3 nonprofit organization established in 1997. Our mission is to improve and enhance our neighborhood in the areas of housing, business, safety and community involvement. We look to our neighbors for ideas to help continue the valuable work of LBNA to improve our community. Thank you! Contact us today, lindbohanon.org.
Visit Carl Kroening Interpretive Center
4900 Mississippi Court N
To see a list of upcoming activities go to threeriversparks.org/parks/north-mississippi-park/kroening-interpretive-center.aspx or call
763-694-7693 for more information.