Camp Capri is the perfect place for middle school students to explore the wonderful world of the arts. Teaching artists Greta Oglesby, Dennis Spears and T. Mychael Rambom, along with other guest artists, lead the students in a rich variety of activities of from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, July 11 thru August 12 at the Capri Theater, 2027 West Broadway. This is a free program offered to students who’ve just completed grades 5-8.
This summer, Camp Capri arts explorers will dive into theater, dance, drumming, music and the visual arts, culminating in the performance of Greta Oglesby’s original play, A Rhythm Runs Through It. The play celebrates the connection between music, the Mississippi River, and the lives and culture of the people of North Minneapolis. It is performed in conjunction with the 100th birthday of America’s national parks on August 25, 2016.
Camp Capri is a lot of great fun with an even greater purpose: To spark students’ interests, increase their confidence and help them discover their innermost talents.
Participation is limited to 25 students – so register soon at thecapritheater.org, or contact Camp Capri Company Manager Kiana Batteau at kbatteau@pcyc-mpls.org or 612-643-2061. Send general questions to Capri Director James Scott at jscott@pcyc-mpls.org or