Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association
PO Box 15656, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Website: shinglecreekmpls.org
Email: mpls.scna@gmail.com; Amy Luesebrink, staff, 612-597-9464
SCNA Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Creekview Park, 5001 Humboldt Ave. N.
*All meetings are open to the public *All residents are encouraged to attend.
Any requests for special accommodations are welcome.
Contact SCNA staff seven days prior to meeting.
SCNA elects Board Members for 2016-2017
Congratulations to reelected SCNA Board Members: Pam Owens, Jeff Strand and Fred Statema, and newly elected Holly Constant and Justin Schmidt. They will be joining current Board Members: Carol McCrillis, Larry Bontreger, Lori Thayer, Julie Voight and Marie Castle. Many thanks to: Daren Johnson for his service as Treasurer, and Julie Gillis and Ed Morales for volunteering on the board this past year.
We’re looking forward to another year of work and fun ahead advocating, promoting and benefiting the Shingle Creek neighborhood! Congratulations!
Attention Shingle Creek residents! You can help our urban canopy!
Are you considering removing a tree or planting a tree due to the Emerald Ash Borer? The Shingle Creek neighborhood has allocated a limited amount of $50 matching funds reimbursed to provide resident/property owners for various technical services, tree removal with replacement.
This summer SCNA will also provide vouchers of $50 matching funds reimbursed for community gardeners to provide habitat for pollinators. Be watching for more details on upcoming workshops and information in the Shingle Creek newsletter and website soon. Contact us today if you’re interested in learning more.
Shingle Creek Common Ground and Olson Middle School seeks gardeners!
Applications are now being taken for gardeners interested in gardening at the Shingle Creek Common Ground Garden at 52nd and Newton Aves. N., and the Olson Atrium Garden! The Common Ground Garden is a demonstration raingarden and natural wooded garden with 12 raised bed garden plots for flowers or vegetables! The Olson Atrium Garden is an interior courtyard flower garden that is being designed and maintained by SCNA. We’re looking for gardeners to help with this important and ongoing project to beautify the school.
Plots at the Common Ground garden are $15 to help cover the cost of water and supplies.
Contact SCNA at mpls.scna@gmail.com or 612-597-9464.