Know any renters moving to a new place in Camden? Owners and managers of rental properties must now provide new tenants with information on how to register to vote. Even registered voters need to re-register under their new address if they move. This change in the City ordinance will help encourage residents to participate in elections.
Registration is among the biggest barriers in voting, and it disproportionately affects voters who are young or voting for the first time, who move frequently, have a lower income or are people of color. More than half of all Minneapolis residents rent their homes, and renters tend to move more frequently than people who own their homes.
When renters move into their new homes in Minneapolis, property owners now must provide each new tenant a voter registration application and an information sheet. These documents can be either printed or given to tenants electronically. The documents can be found in English, Spanish, Somali and Hmong at vote.minneapolismn.gov/resources/TNVR. Printed ones are available at no cost to property owners and managers. Info: vote.minneapolismn.gov.