Cleveland Neighborhood is hiring!
Dear Cleveland Neighborhood Family,
It’s with mixed emotions that I, Ariah Fine, current Executive Director at the Cleveland Neighborhood Association, share that in May I will be taking on an opportunity to serve as a Neighborhood Support Specialist with the City of Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations Department (a mouthful I know). It’s bittersweet as I’m excited about the opportunity to work on equitable community engagement citywide, but sad to leave a job I’ve loved and enjoyed the past four years. You can help make the transition easier for me and the community by sharing out the job posting and helping us find a great person to carry out the good work of connecting neighbors and building a strong and vibrant Cleveland Neighborhood and North Minneapolis.
It’s moments like this when it’s truly important to step up and take an active role in your community. Consider volunteering if you’ve enjoyed Live on the Drive, Party in the Park, Pop-up Block Parties, Spring Clean-up, handing out our receiving Welcome Bags, Tiny Fields, Community Gardens, Northside Housing Fair, Bike Giveaways, Mobile Ballpit, Block-Party-In-A-Box, or any other initiative you’ve seen in the neighborhood or want to see. We need residents to take an active role on their blocks and across the community, so consider joining a committee or volunteering today. Together we can make the Cleveland Neighborhood live up to its motto: Small Neighborhood, Big Heart.
Sincerely, Ariah Fine Executive Director
Job Postings (Executive Director and Summer Staff positions) and Volunteer Sign-up at ClevelandNeighborhood.org
Spring Clean Up! – May 7, 10 a.m.
Spring is in the air and we want to work together to make Cleveland the beautiful place we all know it to be. Join your friends and neighbors on Saturday, May 7 for a spring clean and celebration lunch. It’s going to be a great event and we hope you and your neighbors can make it out to join us.
The Cleveland Neighborhood Association is here to serve its residents. Please contact us via phone at 612-588-1155, text at 612-567-1262, or email at Cna@ClevelandNeighborhood.org.