Youth Sports: Registration for youth sports programs, including gymnastics, baseball, softball, tennis lessons, and track and field, began March 2. Contact Webber, Folwell or Creekview recreation centers directly for league registration info and details. No online registration available.
Youth Activities and Programs. Summer activities and programs for youth opened for registration on March 9. Activities and programs range from Dinner and a Movie night, creative crafting, kids’ yoga and dance parties, to field trips.
Rec Plus Childcare. Registration for the summer Rec Plus program began March 15. The summer program runs from June 13-August 19, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Rec Plus provides school-age childcare for children ages 5–12 at 14 neighborhood recreation centers throughout Minneapolis. Activities include games and sports, arts and crafts, field trips and nutritious snacks. Registration must be completed in person at your local recreation center. No online registration available.
For a complete list of activities, programs, and sports for the Camden Community visit the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s website, Minneapolisparks.org, and download your activity guide.
Did you know? Studies show that organized sports help kids develop and improve cognitive skills. More physical activity is associated with higher academic achievement and enhanced classroom behavior. According to the U.S. Department of Education, high school athletes are more likely than non-athletes to attend college and earn degrees. So sign up for spring sports!
Folwell T-Ball and Coach Pitch Baseball:
T-Ball: 5 to 6 year olds (Saturday games begin May 7)
Coach Pitch: 7 to 8 year olds (Thursday games begin May 12)
Practices begin mid-April. Free! Register at Minneapolisparks.org or at Folwell Park.
Folwell Baseball options:
Open Baseball Leagues $20/$30 non-Minneapolis resident
10U Baseball, ages 5/2/05 – 5/1/07; game days Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
12U Baseball, ages 5/2/03 – 5/2/05; game days Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat
Girls Softball Leagues: $20/$30 non-Minneapolis resident
10U Slow Pitch, ages 9/1/04 – 9/1/06; game days Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat
Track & Field
Folwell Park Track & Field: $35/52.50 non-Minneapolis resident
Ages 9/1/97 – 9/1/07; game days Thursdays.