Reconcile tells a story of Northside forgiveness


The documentary Reconcile is a feature-length film by Chad Amour of Humdinger Pictures. This timely feature documentary is about where reconciliation begins: with hurting individuals.

The film tells the story of Mary Johnson. In 1993 her only child, Laramiun Byrd, 20, was shot to death at party. Oshea Israel, 16, was tried as an adult and sentenced to 25 years. Before he had been released after serving 17 years, Mary sought to meet Oshea at the state prison in Stillwater.

Mary not only found it in her to forgive Oshea, but the two became close. They lived next door to each other on the Northside while Oshea gained employment and started college.

“Ultimately, this film will be an intimate story of hope and unity that takes place in a community where division and despair are still rife,” says Amour.

The “Friendraiser” is a chance to learn about a creative, new project in the Twin Cities–and contribute ideas and connections through a facilitated conversation. The organizers describe it as “a celebration and a way to enjoy the vibrancy of our great city.”

“Leave your checkbook at home – but bring your willingness to learn and contribute ideas,” says Midtown Community leader Tim Schuster. No money is asked for at a Friendraiser. The goal is to help create a community of people around the new project.

The event is on Sunday, February 28 from 5 to 7 p.m. All are welcome–but organizers ask for pre-registration at For info about Midtown Community contact or 952-994-4511. For info about Humdinger Pictures contact