The Minneapolis Tree Sale begins March 7 at 9 a.m. for Wards 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 – which includes the entire Camden Community. This is a special opportunity for our residents to purchase trees before other city neighborhoods (citywide sales begin March 21). Trees are $25 each, and there are 15 varieties available this year and include large species, flowering trees and several kinds of fruit trees. Comparable trees cost about $125 at a nursery. Any Northside property owner – whether resident, business or nonprofit – can order a tree to plant on private Minneapolis property this spring. First-come, first-served – order early for best selection. Limit one tree per property, maximum five properties. Tree distribution will be May 21-23 at the Minneapolis Impound Lot. Visit treetrust.org for more info.
Healthy trees look beautiful in our neighborhood, increase property values, help clean the air we breathe, absorb carbon dioxide, save on energy bills (with strategic planting), keep the city cooler in the summer, provide homes for wildlife and help manage storm water.
In the past nine years, the City Trees program has provided almost 13,000 trees for planting on private property. The City Trees program helps meet Minneapolis’ health goal focusing on the well-being of people and the environment. Since 2006, the City of Minneapolis has funded the City Trees program, a low-cost way for folks to help build the city’s tree canopy.