Women interested in careers in information technology (IT) can take a free class as part of the Minneapolis TechHire initiative. IT-Ready trains and certifies information technology workers and helps place them in their first paid IT positions. The eight-week class runs from 9:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. every weekday from April 11 to June 3. Applications are due March 25. Only women who are Minneapolis residents are eligible. Learn more at minneapolismn.gov/cped/metp/TechHire.
The students will receive: Free tuition, books and learning materials; more than 200 hours of classroom and hands-on training; qualification for a local, six-month, paid on-the-job work experience; and certification vouchers.
IT-Ready is offered free of charge to help unemployed and under-employed women enter the IT field. Run by the Creating IT Futures Foundation, IT-Ready is hosted by EMERGE Career & Technology Center, and funded by the City of Minneapolis Employment and Training, Minneapolis Foundation Community Action Funds, North Star Fund, Paul and Mary Reyelts Fund of Minneapolis Foundation, and the Women’s Endowment Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation’s Jewish Community Foundation.