As part of National Youth Violence Prevention Week April 4-8, the City of Minneapolis is calling attention to the issue of youth violence and how to prevent it in the community. The week is part of a national public education initiative featuring activities and events to raise awareness of youth violence, identify strategies to combat this public health epidemic, and promote the positive roles young people and adults can have in making their communities and schools safer.
This year, the City encourages communities to plan programs to implement in their local areas. These activities align with the Minneapolis Blueprint for Action to Prevent Youth Violence. Activities on the Northside include:
March 31 – A Girls Symposium, noon-4 p.m., Theodore Wirth Pavilion, 3275 Glenwood Ave. The Minneapolis Park Board presents a girls symposium to uplift the unique needs of girls and young women in the community. Join girls and young women from across Minneapolis for this day of empowerment and violence prevention.
April 1 – Vision, Power and Wisdom Part I, 5-7 p.m., Shiloh Temple International Ministries, 1201 W. Broadway. Minneapolis MADDADS presents Vision, Power and Wisdom, opening up the streets with a microphone with the MADDADS outreach unit providing food, music, community bonding and spoken word. This event will foster a sense of peace and fellowship within the community.
Tuesday, April 5 – Intergenerational Community Conversation, 5-7 p.m., Emerge Philips Center, 1834 Emerson Ave. N. Emerge Community Development presents an intergenerational talking circle. Community members will discuss the effect of youth violence on the community and enjoy dinner.
Wednesday, April 6 – Family Dinner for Peace and Movie Screening, 4:30-8 p.m., Oak Park Center, 1701 Oak Park Ave. N. Pillsbury United Communities Oak Park Center presents a family movie, dinner and discussion focusing on ending youth violence.
Thursday, April 7 – Asian Media Access: Urban Arts Showcase to Combat Violence, 6-8:30 p.m., North High School, 1500 James Ave. N. This showcase creates a channel to give actual words to the cries of urban young people as they share their talents to open up a violence prevention discussion with the community at large. Winners of the Minneapolis PeaceMaker Bullying and Violence Prevention Essay and Poetry Contest will be announced.
Saturday, April 9- 3-on-3 basketball tournament, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Farview Park, 621 N. 29th Ave. Change Equals Opportunity presents a 3-on-3 basketball tournament to celebrate youth violence prevention week. For info or to register contact minneapolsmn.gov/health/youth or 612-730-3581. Come out for some exciting games of basketball and to get powerful messages about violence prevention.
For a full list of city activities and youth violence prevention visit change.equalsopportunity@yahoo.com.
Other community partners such as Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Centers are sponsoring citywide youth violence prevention activities. Check with your local park for times and dates. In addition, various schools and community based organizations will air the Emmy award winning Don’t Believe the Hype Violence Prevention Series featuring local activists and socially conscious hip-hop artists. The discussion will explore “then vs. now” as it relates to issues of youth violence.