Victory Neighborhood Association

Enjoy the season in the winter wonderland that is Minnesota, but even as you do, think ahead to spring, a mere two months ahead. Three events are planned that can get you thinking about and planning for your home and garden in 2016.

The Cleveland Neighborhood Association has resurrected the Northside Housing Fair. Mark your calendar now for this great opportunity to get all your housing related needs met in one location, whether you rent or own. There will be information on contractors, financing institutions, housing organizations, renter resources and neighborhood organizations, including the Victory Neighborhood Association (ViNA). (ViNA has housing programs that may be able to help you finance home improvements.) There will also be mini-workshops, food and other activities.  For details visit (still registering vendors!) and RSVP on Facebook today! The 2016 Northside Housing Fair will be Saturday March 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Lucy Craft Laney School at 3333 Penn Ave. N, near the intersection of Penn and Lowry.

On Saturday, March 9, ViNA offers a Security Rebate Workshop at The Warren at 10 a.m.

Mark your calendar for the 8th annual Garden Workshop hosted by the ViNA Environmental Committee. On April 9, join us for a discussion on using art and structure in your landscape. After the discussion, learn to cast leaves in cement and take them home. The workshop will be at Webber Park Recreation Center and is open to all. Beginning at 9:30 a.m. you can visit the information tables and a presentation will be made from 10-10:45 am. The leaf casting activity will be from 11 a.m. to noon. Due to space and material limitations this activity is limited to 12 participants who pre-register and pay a $10 material fee. Others are invited to observe the casting and take home instructions will be provided for all. To preregister, please call or email the ViNA office.