At their January meeting, the Lind Bohanon Neighborhood Association (LBNA) voted to use some of their funds to do a feasibility study of the former C.A. Smith Lumber Company turret building at 4400 Lyndale Ave. N.
LBNA has contracted with ArtSpace, a national nonprofit real estate developer specializing in creating, owning and operating affordable spaces for artists and creative businesses. LBNA would like Artspace to help them understand the potential to create a successful, affordable, self-sustaining arts development project, and explore key elements that determine feasibility of a project, engage key stakeholders and outline the steps necessary to move the project forward.
An integral part of this study will be getting input from Northside residents and artists on how this property should look and operate. If you are interested in participating in the focus groups contact Kris Brogan at kris.brogan@mhponline.org. For info on ArtSpace visit artspace.org.