The City of Minneapolis has designated five properties as ‘individual landmarks’ in 2015 – including two on the Northside – Camden Park State Bank, 705 42nd Ave. N., and TCRT North Side Station – 2418 Washington Ave. N. Over 165 individual landmarks and 15 historic districts are now designated in the City of Minneapolis.
Preservation of significant properties and districts enhances Minneapolis’ unique identity, quality of life and economic vitality. New landmarks and districts are evaluated by the City of Minneapolis department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED) staff and the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC). Staff and HPC recommendations are considered by the Minneapolis City Council and Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, who make the final determination about designation of landmarks and districts.
Many of the designations completed in 2015 were made possible by a grant through the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). This grant was used to conduct designation studies for districts and properties significant for their association with streetcar-related development. For info on Heritage Preservation in Minneapolis visit the City of Minneapolis Heritage Preservation website which includes links to a map of all landmarks and districts. A guide to historic preservation in Minneapolis can also be found there.