Victory Neighborhood Association

Home Security and Rebate Program Workshop – November 7

On Saturday, November 7 from 10 a.m.-noon, there is a short workshop to get information about important home security improvements. It also covers the types of improvements that qualify for the ViNA rebate program. The workshop is led by Tim Hammett and hosted by the Livability Committee. The location is The Warren, 4400 Osseo Road. This workshop will cover the application and criteria for receiving a rebate of up to $250 when you install security improvements for your home. Eligible improvements include: deadbolt locks and security strike plates, steel exterior doors, security storm doors, grillwork or glass block, dusk-to-dawn or motion lights, window pins, home alarm systems, exterior security cameras and additional alley lightening.

Block Leader Training – November 19

Neighbors who know each other help make their neighborhood a safer community. Neighbors don’t have to be best friends; they just have to look out for each other. Block Club Leaders serve an important role with helping communication and connections between neighbors about safety issues on their block. Communications can be through email and/or face-to-face meetings about immediate concerns. Block Club Leaders often also help initiate some type of National Night Out party for their block and maybe adjacent blocks.

Community Crime Prevention Specialist Tim Hammett, has agreed to conduct a Block Leader training in the neighborhood specifically for Victory Neighborhood residents who wish to become Block Leaders or current leaders who want a little refresher course. The training will be November 19 from 6:30-8 p.m. at St. Austin’s Brennan Hall, 4050 Upton Ave N. Contact the ViNA to register for the training at 612-529-9558 or

No ViNA meeting in November due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Next Meeting is December 9.