St. Olaf Care Center, an 80-bed skilled nursing facility that has faced financial challenges within today’s changing care environment, will close in late November. Located at 2912 Fremont N., the residence is part of the St. Olaf Community Campus that also includes North Oaks on Emerson, a 48-unit assisted living facility, and St. Olaf Lutheran Church.
St. Olaf Care Center, founded in 1964, was opened by the St. Olaf Lutheran Church congregation and has continued to serve those in need of residential assistance in North Minneapolis since that time. The St. Olaf Care Center Board made the decision after much deliberation and effort to resolve the fiscal issues.
North Oaks on Emerson and St. Olaf Lutheran Church, which has been in its existing location for 105 years, will remain open and continue to serve Northside residents. “St. Olaf Care Center has always been responsive to our greater neighborhood. While the closure of St. Olaf Care Center is now necessary, we believe that this transition will allow us to continue, and expand upon, our mission by strengthening the care and living environment in north Minneapolis,” said Rev. Steve Lomen, St. Olaf Care Center Board Chair and a pastor at St. Olaf Lutheran Church.
Locally headquartered Health Dimensions Group (HDG), a nationally known firm that offers industry-leading expertise to numerous hospitals, health systems, post-acute, long-term care, and senior living providers across the nation, was brought in earlier this year to manage St. Olaf Care Center, and also manages North Oaks on Emerson.
North Oaks will be growing to accommodate the emerging need for quality residential care options in the community. Planning is also underway to explore the potential for creating additional housing in the soon to be vacated St. Olaf Care Center building.
A comprehensive and resident-sensitive relocation plan will be followed in closing the St. Olaf Care Center facility, leading to a safe and seamless transition for its 53 residents. There are other nursing homes and assisted living communities in the area, as well as Camden Care Center, which has openings and is located close to the St. Olaf Campus. North Oaks currently has apartments available.
“We look forward to the opportunity of continuing to work with the St. Olaf Board, and the community and families in North Minneapolis, to help expand the St. Olaf mission and provide safe, quality options for residential care living both now and in the future,” said Craig Abbott, CEO of Health Dimensions.