Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association

SCNA Board Meeting: Tuesday, November 10, at Creekview Park

5001 Humboldt Ave N, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

*All meetings are open to the public *All residents are encouraged to attend.

Any requests for special accommodations are welcome.

Contact SCNA staff seven days prior to meeting.

SCNA second survey of three is out!

It’s been about 10 years since the last in-depth neighborhood-wide survey has been done. A lot has changed regarding City and SCNA priorities, and we’re wondering if a lot has changed in the neighborhood! Many thanks to our nearly 50 residents who completed the first survey. Congratulations to Jeffrey Strand, Pam Begin, Jacob Kogler-Schommer and Marianne Morgan for being the first four lucky winners of the $25 gift cards. Our second survey is available. For more information, or if you are a Shingle Creek resident and want to take one of our surveys, please go to our website at!

Have you adopted a nonprofit yet this year?

We invite you to consider the Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association. A 501c3 since 2006, SCNA has been working every year to keep residents informed and educated through our monthly newsletter and meetings, website and social media, events and ongoing advocacy for this community about planning, safety, housing, and ongoing city decisions that may affect homeowners and residents. Your support makes a huge difference!

To help support your local nonprofit neighborhood association

Check out our website

SCNA seeking two Board Members

The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association realizes life is busy for everyone. Do you have a passion for improving this community? The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association is a 501c3 nonprofit that is currently seeking two volunteer board members! The volunteers would be responsible to attend monthly board meetings, occasional committee meetings, help at SCNA hosted events, and help use your talents and skills to discuss items affecting the neighborhood,

and work to help grow the organization! If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please contact us at

We are looking for diverse voices, faces and ideas! Contact us on how to get started!