Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association
PO Box 15656, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Website: shinglecreekmpls.org
Email: mpls.scna@gmail.com; Amy Luesebrink, staff, 612-597-9464
SCNA Board Meeting: Tuesday, October 13, at Creekview Park
5001 Humboldt Ave N, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
*All meetings are open to the public *All residents are encouraged to attend.
Any requests for special accommodations are welcome.
Contact SCNA staff seven days prior to meeting.
SCNA surveying the neighborhood
It’s been about 10 years since the last in-depth neighborhood-wide survey has been done. A lot has changed regarding City and SCNA priorities, and we’re wondering if a lot has changed in the neighborhood! We will be sending out several small surveys on housing, schools/parks, safety, and other items to get your neighborhood resident feedback. We’ll work to develop a strategic plan from there! The surveys will only be available for a short period of time. We want to get ready for next year so thanks for your help getting responses to us! For more information or if you are a Shingle Creek resident and want to take one of our surveys please go to our website at shinglecreekmpls.org!
SCNA Little Free Libraries Project October 24 Concert
SCNA invites you to join us on Saturday, October 24 at 4911 Vincent Ave N for an exciting free concert that will feature the Bunny Clogs! Come and join us on the front lawn from 9:30-10:30 am to enjoy a morning of music and meeting great neighbors! This event will promote the little free library arts, education and community engagement. To learn more go to shinglecreekmpls.org or 612-597-9464.
SCNA seeking two Board Members
The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association realizes life is busy for everyone. Do you have a passion for improving this community? The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association is a 501c3 nonprofit that is currently seeking two volunteer board members! The volunteers would be responsible to attend monthly board meetings, occasional committee meetings, help at SCNA hosted events, and help use your talent and skills to discuss items affecting the neighborhood and work to help grow the organization! If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please contact us at mpls.scna@gmail.com. We are looking for diverse voices, faces, and ideas! Contact us on how to get started!