Message Line: 612-588-7641
Email: LindBohanonNA@aol.com
Facebook: Lind-Bohanon Neighborhood Association
Twitter: @LindBohanon
LBNA Meetings: Open to the public.
Residents are encouraged to attend.
Please consider volunteering with LBNA in working together to improve and enhance our neighborhood in areas of housing, business, safety and community involvement.
Thursday, Oct. 1, LBNA Board Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Webber Park
Tuesday, Oct.6, LBNA Crime and Safety Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Webber Park
Tuesday, Oct.20, LBNA Executive Committee Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Webber Park
LBNA Crime and Safety Committee first Tuesday of the month 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The LBNA Crime and Safety Committee is a group of people working with our Community Crime
Prevention Specialist Tim Hammett. We address issues such as crime prevention trends and tips, and hear what the Minneapolis Police Department is doing for our area. Committee meetings are free and open to the public. It meets at the Webber Park building at 4400 Webber Parkway.
LBNA Crime and Safety Committee new program:
We have a new program working with Tim Hammett of 4th Precinct to help cut down on burglaries; the neighborhood will pay 1/2 up to $200 cost of products such as deadbolts, strike plates, window locks, motion lights etc. Please visit our website or call for more information.
Free Family Fundays on Sundays at Carl Kroening Interpretive Center
4900 Mississippi Court N, 1-3 p.m.
Every Sunday, Three Rivers Park District Carl Kroening Interpretive Center has fun family activities
for the whole family to enjoy! For the month of October: Oct. 4 Snakes, Oct. 11, A Squirrely Adventure, Oct. 25 River Rock Monsters. To see more information on upcoming activities go to threeriversparks.org/parks/north-mississippi-park/kroening-interpretive-center.aspx. Or call 763-694-7693 for more information.