By Amy Luesebrink
As the Camden News goes to print, the City Council is set to move forward with construction on the Humboldt Greenway.
In 2008, housing construction ceased on Humboldt after 94 homes and a senior facility were completed. The declining housing market caused the developer to go into default and the City and Hennepin County reacquired the properties.
MSP Enterprises, Timbercraft Homes, and the Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation (GHMC) presented new design proposals to the City Council on September 15. The Council is ready to adopt the GHMC proposal for purchasing 95 parcels on the “Humboldt Greenway 5th Addition” on September 25. If passed, building would begin along Humboldt Ave., on the 4900 and 5000 blocks of Humboldt Lane N and Girard, and on parcels along 50th Ave. from Dupont to Humboldt Aves.
Project coordinator Cherie Shoquist gave an overview of the recommended development proposals and said the GHMC proposal met the City’s priorities. The proposed project will have 52 single family homes and 11 townhomes. It differs from the former plan because potential homeowners are currently looking for single family homes.
There is a three-phased development plan (see map). Once approved by the City Council, construction could begin immediately so GHMC could be ready for next spring’s Home Tour. The expected start of construction is October 19.
The proposed timeline is to build 15 single family homes and eight townhomes by next August. An additional 13 single family homes and three townhomes will be 80 percent complete by August 1, 2017. The final phase of 24 single family homes will be completed by September 2018.
Council President Barb Johnson said that this proposal offers a phased approach to test the market. She emphasized the positives: This neighborhood is eight minutes to downtown; it has the only park Interpretive Center in the city; it has Shingle Creek running through it; and this developer has the ability to market this development professionally to sell this project.
The overall Humboldt Greenway Development Project’s goals are: To build high value, quality housing; preserve housing design styles and increase the sense of community and connectedness; include a consistent architectural theme for the houses in the spirit of Victory Memorial Parkway; and build on/complement the character of the neighborhood and maintain the traditional fabric and feel of the neighborhood.
For info about this project contact project coordinator Shoquist at 612-673-5078 or cherie.shoquist@minneapolismn.gov.